President Trump's administration has removed most of the military's top-ranking female leaders from their posts in recent ...
As an increasingly uneasy marriage between national security, law enforcement, and regulatory authorities, the U.S. Coast ...
Seven more former U.S. Coast Guard cadets filed claims that they were victims of sexual abuse at the service’s academy, the ...
Changes at service academy comes following Homeland Security directive to ‘eliminate all climate change activities.’ ...
The Government Accountability Office said the service is responding only to immediate needs and does not have the funding or ...
The terminology will be stricken in classes for future officers in a service that confronts global warming every day, a move ...
The Government Accountability Office says the $7 billion infrastructure estimate is likely too low as hundreds of projects still lack cost estimates.
“Impacts of climate change will influence every Coast Guard mission,” wrote the service’s former commandant, Adm. Linda Fagan, in a 2023 framework meant to guide how the force would address ...
A U.S. Department of Homeland Security order banning “climate change activities and the use of climate change terminology in DHS policies and programs” caused a stir among Coast Guard Academy alumni ...