Your daily horoscope - Dec. 09

Hello, ambitious Capricorn! You're known for your discipline, practicality, and determination to climb the ladder of success.
In a brief period of overwhelm, you have the strength and resiliency to persevere, Capricorn. However, a lifestyle of accepting too much responsibility may be an unsustainable long-term burden.
The month winds down with the sun moving into Capricorn on the Winter Solstice and a new moon affecting your social life ...
Today's November 27, 2024, daily horoscope features Venus square Chiron. Venus, the planet of alluring love, clashes with the ...
You have some important matters to sort through in your romantic life, Capricorn. Recent lessons and internal transformation have opened the door for you to realize what has felt off in your ...
Capricorn Horoscope Today December 04, Wednesday: Your day holds the promise of reward as perseverance becomes your ally.