Before there was Darien Lake, there was Crystal Beach, and before that there was Erie Beach. Just across the mouth of the Niagara River from Downtown Buffalo is a beautiful wooded plot of land ...
The Erie Beach has been in the Schneider family for almost 80 years. Andrew and Tony’s grandparents Harold and Marjorie ...
While its scenic and windswept Atlantic Seaboard is familiar to many, the western part of the state has over 850 miles of shoreline along Lake Ontario ... of Lake Erie, Woodlawn Beach State ...
As southwestern Ontario continues to thaw with milder temperatures, it's hard to believe just last week we were at the tail end of a lengthy cold snap. So much so that Lake Erie reached its ...
A truly significant winter': How close is Erie to setting a snowfall record this season? The friends walked across the frozen lake to Long Point, Ontario, in February 1977. Two more men made a ...
This is due primarily to its average depth of 62 feet, which is considerably less than Superior (483 feet), Michigan (280 feet), Huron (195 feet) and Ontario (283 feet). Peak ice coverage for Lake ...
Altogether, the Great Lakes are seeing healthier ice coverage this year. Here's what to know about their current conditions.
Lake Erie currently has the most ice coverage at ... Lake Michigan: 279 feet in average depth, reaching 925 feet at maximum. Lake Ontario: 283 feet in average depth, maximum depth at 802 feet.
and Ontario (283 feet). Peak ice coverage for Lake Erie is usually around 65%, occurring in late February or early March, according to NOAA. This year is different, Atkinson says, primarily due to ...