Penelope Beltran, 8, smiles after her mother puts colored powder on her during the celebration of Holi, the Hindu festival of ...
Each year the event transforms Bishop Ranch Drive into a vibrant celebration of color, music and community. Recognized as an ...
The raucous spring festival sees Hindus take part in a kaleidoscopic celebration of the end of winter and the triumph of good ...
The Holi Festival of Baton Rouge will take place at Repentance Park on March 29, featuring food, color throws, music and ...
Millions of Indians on Friday celebrated the Hindu festival of Holi, dancing to festive music, exchanging food and drink, and ...
Holi expands well beyond the Indian continent. Hindus celebrate in Bangladesh and Pakistan, plus other countries with large ...
Thursday (March 13) marks the start of Holi, the colorful festival welcoming in springtime. But it’s not just for Hindus ...
Attendees throw colorful power in the air while dancing to the music during the Holi Festival which is a popular and ...
Houston: The Texas Senate has passed its first-ever resolution recognising Holi, officially acknowledging the Hindu festival ...
It’s the Persian New Year and celebrations are taking place at Town Hall Seattle this weekend. It’s the 5th annual Nowruz (no ...
A girl throws colored powder on her friend as they celebrate Holi, the Hindu festival of colors, in Mumbai, India, Friday, ...
Colored powder was flying in the air on Sunday in Scripps Ranch during a Holi festival put on by a San Diego nonprofit for ...