Michael Leo Kehoe became the 58th governor of Missouri on Monday, vowing a crackdown on crime while urging politicians to work together amid a “divided and more cynical” world.
Governor Mike Kehoe has issued an order for flags to fly at full staff on the day Donald Trump will be sworn into ...
Task forces to arrest people with outstanding warrants and immigration enforcement training for the Missouri State Highway ...
Controlling crime, expanding education options and cutting taxes will be the top priorities for Missouri, new Gov. Mike Kehoe ...
The schedule was announced for Governor-elect Mike Kehoe's inauguration.Monday, Jan. 13, is inauguration day for Missouri's ...
Missouri has a new governor. Republican Mike Kehoe, formerly the lieutenant governor and a state senator before that, was ...
"We haven't had a storm like this, with this amount, in several years," said MoDOT's Bob Becker, district maintenance ...
Among his more laudable plans is to create a grant program to help local governments with increased police budgets and ...