This new video released today is part of an open house and online survey that is open through March 31st at 5:00 pm. Watch ...
At their meeting Wednesday night, the Downtown Neighborhood Association voted to send a letter to the Portland Bureau of ...
Marine Drive Path Clean-up – 10:00 am at Made In Oregon (NE) Join with others who care about cleanliness to freshen up the ...
Portland city councilors Mitch Green and Loretta Smith have found common cause on a notoriously tricky transportation funding ...
If all else fails, large boulders placed in front of the house should prevent anyone from leaving the roadway.
Law enforcement agencies in our region teamed up for a special mission over the weekend. They called it the Metro Area ...
New details have emerged this morning of a nascent infrastructure funding effort that aims to quench the thirst for sidewalks ...
The bad news about the latest city bike counts is that the number of people cycling in Portland didn’t make a big jump in ...
According to ODOT this part of the highway sits in an ancient landslide and has been prone to cracking over the past decade.
Geneva is a wealthy city, with enviable pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure, and it has already successful transitioned ...
When 86-year-old Portlander Roger Lee was hit and killed by a motorcycle rider while trying to walk across Southeast Powell ...