"The state-of-the-art instruments are invaluable to researchers, saving time and yielding high-quality results," he said. Hameed describes China's research and development (R&D) environment as ...
Sci-tech popularization is a fundamental task needed to achieve innovative development. Chinese Minister of Science and Technology, Yin Hejun, said the law's draft revision has added two new chapters, ...
The Shenzhen -Zhongshan Link (ShenZhong Link), a mega cross-sea project in Guangdong province, south China, consists of an underwater tunnel, two bridges, and two artificial islands.
While the world's eyes are on the 31st Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders' Meeting in Lima, Peru, few perhaps are aware of intense work going on under the shadow of the Andes ...
Gérard Creuzet, a prominent French physicist and industrialist, recently took time out to share his inspiring journey of collaboration with China. Currently president of the Île-de-France Photovoltaic ...
Despite substantial divergence of opinion among the bloc, the EU has forged ahead and still finalized its hefty tariffs on electric vehicles (EVs) imported from China for a period of five years. The ...
The seventh China International Import Expo (CIIE) saw record-breaking numbers of participants and transactions, demonstrating China's commitment to further opening up its enormous market. As the ...
2022年6月,国务院印发《广州南沙深化面向世界的粤港澳全面合作总体方案》(以下简称《南沙方案》)。广州南沙迎来新一轮发展东风,海关总署第一时间出台支持南沙创新发展措施。两年来,《南沙方案》政策红利加速释放,南沙外贸进出口总值实现正增长;海关年监管进 ...
12月1日,2024专精特新中小企业发展大会在上海举行,证监会、工信部联合发布第三批区域性股权市场专精特新专板名单,山西股权交易中心等区域性股权市场名列其中。山西股权交易中心负责人表示,这将进一步打通山西专精特新企业挂牌上市和融资通道,意味着山西专精 ...
“这个政策实在是太好了,为我提供了很多方便,也让更多的人有机会来中国旅游。”12月1日,正在老挝旅游的日本籍旅客TANAKA KAIYA看到中国免签入境的消息后,立即改变了行程,成为新政策实施后乘坐中老铁路列车首位入境免签旅客。