President Trump issues an executive order requiring proof of citizenship for voting, the U.S. Supreme Court upholds ghost gun ...
Although FIT 21 would be a positive step toward regulatory clarity for crypto, it lacks clarity for cryptocurrencies with ...
One practice now under greater scrutiny is health care insurers’ use of artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms to deny ...
President Donald J. Trump, just two months after retaking office, fired two Democratic commissioners of the U.S. Federal ...
Overshadowed in the blitzkrieg of orders and actions of the Trump Administration that are seemingly intended to assert complete presidential control over the executive branch was a recent rule issued ...
Benjamin Sachs discusses the need for labor-law reform and explains how state and local governments can increase worker power ...
Recent actions by HHS undermine the promises of transparency made by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
DOGE’s approach to deregulation demonstrates the need for economists and lawyers to learn from each other.
Scholar proposes legal solutions to regulate cryptocurrency mining’s energy consumption in a climate-friendly way.
A key part of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is Title VII, a federal statute that makes it illegal for an employer to ...
IN THE NEWS President Donald J. Trump signed an executive order directing the closure of the U.S. Department of Education, fulfilling a campaign pledge to return educational authority to the states.