"Die by Night" is written and directed by Emmy nominee Rod Blackhurst ("Blood for Dust," "Night Swim," "Amanda Knox"), based on the prequel screenplay "The Chosen Few," written by Blackhurst and J. Hunter Richardson.
Olivia Cooke Joins Helen Mirren & Alden Ehrenreich
M. Night Shyamalan and 'The Notebook' author Nicholas Sparks are collaborating on a supernatural romantic thriller that will star Jake Gyllenhaal.
Author Tova Mirvis drew from her own divorce proceedings and a Florida murder for her new thriller 'We Would Never.' Check out an exclusive sneak peek here.
Dan Brown’s next multi-tiered thriller finds protagonist Robert Langdon journeying from Prague to New York to London as he evades a would-be assassin and ponders the depths of human consciousness.
The Cold War threw paranoid cinema into overdrive, and Watergate inspired some of the greatest films in the genre: All The President’s Men, The Parallax View, and The Conversation. But Rosenbaum dates the genre back to at least 1915,
Don’t miss your chance to stream “Green Room” on Prime Video before it leaves the platform on Jan. 31. This gripping thriller never fails to maintain tension, and the storytelling is so raw that you’ll want the suspense to end. Plus, it’s a pretty unique premise, with most of the movie taking place in a green room (obviously).
The new Hulu series, starring Sterling K. Brown, is exhilarating in all the right ways, even if it sometimes tips over into ridiculousness.
Showdog Studio has optioned 'Wunderland,' a new sci-fi thriller series based on an original screenplay by Christopher DeWan.
The first two episodes of Severance season 2 are now available to stream on Apple TV Plus. There'll be 10 episodes this season, which will be released on a weekly basis every Friday — likely leaving viewers on the edge of their seats in between airings.
In the guise of a murderous horror flick this well-made futuristic thriller asks which is a bigger threat: AI or toxic masculinity?
The soundtrack shines again for 'The Recruit' One of the biggest keys to what makes "The Recruit" less serious and more fun to watch than its spy thriller counterparts is its use