If ever a legendary hair muse, it's Cher. From butt-skimming raven ... And at 78, she's showing experimental beauty and age knows no bounds with a gigantic beehive 'do to rival that of Amy Winehouse.
The Top 10 also included Amy Winehouse's Beehive (14 per cent) and Ariana Grande's High Ponytail (12 per cent). Nearly half of those surveyed said they have used celebrities as inspiration for ...
If ever a legendary hair muse, it's Cher ... beauty and age knows no bounds with a gigantic beehive 'do to rival that of Amy Winehouse. You could say it's so big that it's creating a buzz ...
Princess Salome in this production is none other than Amy Winehouse. No, really! Not, OBVIOUSLY, the Camden Town diva herself, sadly departed in 2011, but a clear facsimile, replete with beehive hair, ...
Bowie's spiky red hairdo was voted top of the mops with 19 per cent of the new poll. The style was first unveiled in 1972 to ...
Some haircuts are so iconic; they form part of a vision of the star who wore them - it's hard to think of Amy Winehouse without her beehive. 'And so it's no surprise that we also are so keen on ...
Amy Winehouse was the primary songwriter on her sophomore album Back to Black, which meant that “Rehab” wasn’t just a catchy hook she and producer Mark Ronson imagined up on their own ...
Amy Winehouse's original band and close friends are set to perform some of her greatest hits in Swindon, in the hopes of keeping her spirit and legacy alive. Amy Winehouse sold over 30 million ...
Former “Saturday Night Live” cast member Amy Poehler talked the Oscar-winner’s sketch during a conversation for the “Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend” podcast. According to Poehler ...