Dr. Joseph Antognini travels across the nation, being paid over $500 an hour by government officials who rely on him to vouch ...
Jessie Hoffman Jr., who was convicted in a 1996 murder, has argued the method of nitrogen hypoxia would violate his ability ...
In improvised performances, two Australian psychologists took turns playing the roles of therapist and client on successive ...
Louisiana is planning its first execution by nitrogen gas on Tuesday evening. In a last-ditch appeal to the U.S. Supreme ...
Season five of The Chosen will be the biggest yet, focusing on of Jesus final days and the deeply personal and emotional ...
A 2009 conversation from our mag archives finds former Crystal Method-man Ken Jordan talking gear, influences and the brilliance of the then-new iPhone ...
Whether they're grouchy or graceful, these physicians help the heroes of Star Trek accomplish their space-faring missions.
Your body also puts out its own natural drugs called endorphins, which can help with pain relief. Aim for three times per day ...
Buckle up,” the character of Nazareth/“Naz” Jasper (John Michael Hill) advises the audience in one of his beautifully written ...
Before the Nazis sent him to a forced labor camp, young Leo Lewis’ grandmother paid him one last visit. “I will not be here when you come back,” she told the boy, who had voluntarily handed himself ...
The U.K. Christian right is increasingly drawing on a U.S.-forged playbook. It is also drawing on U.S. money. But the U.K.