Metra has begun a rider survey over renaming its lines from their current names — which largely are derived from their ...
For those hoping commuter rail brings jobs to the SouthCoast, that may come true sooner rather than later: The MTBA is hiring ...
The city's first modern light-rail system would run in dedicated lanes on city streets with priority at traffic signals.
The bill would require the N.C. Department of Transportation to study the cost and potential economic benefits of a commuter ...
Metra on Monday acknowledged the confusion and began a public outreach effort that could potentially rename all of its lines ...
The Kenya Railway Corporation (KRC) has earmarked seven commuter lines for upgrade and new trains as part of a strategy to ...
Skipping out on your MBTA may not seem like a big deal, but every lost dollar adds up, MBTA General Manager Phillp Eng said ...
The lengthy process from RFP to equipment delivery can result in trains that are already obsolete when they go into service.
Keolis is the transportation company contracted to run the commuter rail system. Practice run: South Coast Rail commuter train pulls into New Bedford station after 30-year wait Montigny initiated ...
Caltrain has released a Request for Expressions of Interest RFEI regarding the provision of Rail Operations, Maintenance and Support Services for its commuter rail system ...
The Passenger Rail Master Plan aims to assess the feasibility of rail services, including commuter, regional, and high-speed ...