Midlothian Tourism Forum members shared a wide range of tourism developments in the area at their AGM this week at Arniston ...
It’s worth being out of town for the full castle experience at Dalhousie, starting with meeting the residents at the owl sanctuary within the grounds, followed by dining in the medieval-style ...
Bestselling author Alexander McCall Smith’s Edinburgh-set Isabel Dalhousie series of novels — also known as the “The Sunday Philosophy Club” series — is being brought to the small screen.
Dalhousie has always strived to offer open access to activities and facilities for communities nearby. A new online community hub will now make doing so easier than ever. The Community Hub was created ...
We convene the Dalhousie Community Experience Committee (DCEC) to unite community developers from across the university, supporting Dalhousie’s strategic goal of being a civic and community-engaged ...
Katharine is Eurogamer's Managing Editor and primary spreadsheet keeper. She heads up Eurogamer's reviews and feature sections, but can occasionally be found writing guides and the odd news story ...
At the end of September, the new Scottish galleries at the National in Edinburgh (the old National Gallery of Scotland) opened to the public. Where Tate Britain's recent rehang preechily failed, this ...
The precise location of the room is estimated to be in an alley way between the GPO and the building to its north, in the north-west corner of Dalhousie Square. Clive correctly surmised that the Fort ...
The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus. This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter. Disney is a ...
For us, the choice was easy— my friends and I went straight to Hogsmeade. Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey: A Magical Start Hogwarts Castle looked stunning at night, its windows glowing in the ...