The beneficiaries are any Shorewood Kiwanis project like Christmas in August when elementary school children get to shop for ...
The female-led design firm aims to honor University of the Arts’ legacy by creating new spaces for artists. The first hurdle: ...
Switzer said he hasn't yet created a budget for what the name change would cost, but said new signage would be needed for the school as well as a new school logo. "The hope would be to do a new ...
A $680 BSA increase next year — the same amount previously approved by state lawmakers on a one-time basis for the current ...
Lower Merion spends more per student than almost any other district in Pennsylvania, but Black parents say it’s not ...
Former Wyoming Sen. Alan K. Simpson, one of the most colorful lawmakers in recent congressional history, died Friday at age ...
The Naperville District 203 School Board will vote on a carbon action plan later this month that would significantly cut its ...
Lost homes
A Learjet medical transport crashed on Cottman Avenue in January, leaving seven people dead and at least two dozen injured.
JCPS leaders have proposed combining two elementary schools, while splitting a middle school into two buildings.
Schumer and Gillibrand together supported a dozen of the Long Island congressmen’s requests and cosponsored two of them, and ...
Student outcries over changes to their high school course schedule went largely unheeded Tuesday, as Pinellas County school ...
House Bill 69 increases the Base Student Allocation from its statutory base of $5,960 and makes other changes that cost a ...