Other events include the Welcome Reception and New Member/First Timers Orientation, the Annual General Assembly, Young Professionals’ Breakfast and Private Dialogue with ... that the Metropolitan ...
Hobart's Calvary Lenah Valley Hospital says it is taking steps to fill the gap left by the impending August 20 closure of the Hobart Private Hospital's maternity ward by its operator Healthscope.
Some patients using guarantee letters for private hospital treatment appear to be facing higher costs than those who pay upfront and claim reimbursement later, says deputy finance minister Lim Hui ...
The future of an important program at a major Melbourne hospital is under threat after its funding was cut. A tearful caller to The Rumour File last week revealed the Art Therapy program at the Royal ...
It follows the announcement of the closure of HealthECare's maternity unit at Gosford Private hospital and 11 other birthing units around the country since 2018. Expectant mothers in those areas ...
JOHANNESBURG - The Special Investigating Unit (SIU) is on a mission to recoup some of the public money lost in a botched R600 million tender to refurbish a private hospital. Among the six ...
ALBANY, Ga. (WALB) - The Friends of the Albany Museum of Art (AMA) is inviting nature lovers top a tour of the private gardens. The tour will be on April 12, and feature five locations in ...
The Royal Hospital School in Holbrook recently hosted its first Centennial Art Exhibition and Auction. The event aimed to support the school's Centennial Bursary Campaign and celebrate the ...
One of the walls features a nature scene, complete with deer, a fox and a badger A hospital ward has been ... the clinical team lead, said the artwork had "completely transformed the ward".
The collection included portraits from Yester House, Mr Moray-Fletcher’s former family home, as well as European porcelain from his private collection ... of Scottish art history and the ...
A hospital ward has been given a makeover with ... Collette Perry, the clinical team lead, said the artwork had "completely transformed the ward". Another wall features a colourful sunset, a ...