The owner of a Pasco tow truck company is back in jail, this time on federal charges. Socorro “Jesse” Lopez-Spindola, the ...
Devin Fehely reports on a notorious San Francisco towing company owner facing new federal indictment for torching competitors ...
MILWAUKEE - New video shows a confrontation between an elderly man and tow truck drivers on Milwaukee's west side. The video ...
Three people were hospitalized after a tow truck driver slammed into a minivan at high speed, setting off a four-car chain ...
Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO) has suspended its new tow permitting system for vehicle recoveries on provincial ...
The bill would amend laws that a CT Mirror and ProPublica investigation found have come to favor tow companies at the expense ...
Jose Vicente Badillo, the tow company operator already barred from doing business in San Francisco, allegedly plotted to set ...
Missouri lawmakers are considering a crackdown on predatory towing through a bill that would allow truckers to file ...
Viktor Sarudi said in an email. Police look to crack down on violence in Toronto's tow truck industry In January, Toronto ...
revoke license plates of trucks with unpaid fines and prevent known violators from reregistering under a new name. Towing companies also would be allowed to tow a vehicle only to registered lots ...