It’s particularly true here in rural Northern Nova Scotia, where snow crab and lobster ... strip of the southern Cape Breton town of Port Hawkesbury. “We’re the ones that are going to ...
LOCKEPORT, N.S. - Halifax-based Clearwater Seafoods announced Thursday plans to change its lobster operations, which will result in permanent and temporary job losses in Nova Scotia. The company ...
Those who work in the seafood processing and shipping industry in Nova Scotia say they were surprised by Clearwater Seafoods' decision to exit the live lobster business. But they also say it's a ...
With a possible trade war looming, the Nova Scotia government on Thursday announced a $300,000 pilot program to make it easier for people to identify local products. Development Minister Colton ...
Residents living close to Land's End have been told to 'buy earplugs' after a lighthouse foghorn began sounding every 13 seconds throughout the day and night. Longships Lighthouse in Cornwall has ...
A malfunctioning foghorn has been blaring every 30 seconds ... it brings you back to the days when the Point Judith lighthouse used to have a fog horn. But this is a little bit too much ...
Whether you’re a Boy Meets World fan or merely a human who thrives on celebrity drama, Danielle Fishel and Maitland Ward are coming through. Some necessary background for everyone new here?
Frigid water shushing against the hull, spray peppering windows, as the fish tug bores through Lake Erie, clouds breaking to reveal the pale, fleeting blue of a mercurial March sky.