From Slavery to Freedom,” a spring break kick-off event for youth and families, is set for Thursday, April 10, according to ...
In the summer of 1998, several people with a shared concern for those in the community who were at risk of homelessness, ...
Rep. Darrell Issa suggested Thursday that San Diego would be the “ideal" location for the new White House Office of ...
The National Trust for Historic Preservation’s African American Cultural Heritage Action Fund is awarding $8.5 million in grants to 30 historically Black Churches as a part of its third annual ...
During Women’s History Month, thank the women who encouraged you, taught you and believed in you, writes Bea Hines ...
DEI programs seek to promote in concrete ways the values that many believe should be at the core of our national identity: ...
Then, Sojourner will give her famous speech from 1851, “Ain’t I A Woman.” Following the speech, the host will then ask Sojourner a few more questions and invite the audience to ask some of their own.
Frank Waters, executive director of MyKingstonKids and lead organizer of Black History Kingston, speaks to participants before the Sojourner Truth Life Walk in Port Ewen, N.Y. on Saturday, Feb. 15 ...
Funeral services for late NAACP New York State Conference President Hazel Dukes are being held at Mother A.M.E. Zion Church ...
The celebrated conductor brought Her Story, a potent piece by Julia Wolfe, to Kennedy Center audiences recently.
The cover of 'Nance: A Girl of Color and Her Lawyer Abraham Lincoln,' a new book by Kevin Orlin Johnson. It details the case ...