St Mary and St Mina's Coptic Orthodox Cathedral at Bexley welcomed members of the NSW judiciary for the annual Coptic Opening of the Law Term ceremony on Tuesday, February 11. Covering Georges ...
Andy Isaac, a beloved Detroit sports and food enthusiast, died Thursday after a nearly two-decade battle with cancer.
The following is a list of in-person and online worship services and events happening at churches and synagogues in the Oakland County area. Visit websites or call for service times and events. • ...
A bejeweled icon, or encolpion, worn by Theophilos III, Greek Orthodox patriarch of Jerusalem and all Palestine, venerates the Virgin Mary ... a small Coptic Orthodox chapel in the Church of ...
Faith leaders: the Anglican Bishop of London Dame Sarah Mullally, Sr Masorti Rabbi Wittenberg, Greek Orthdox Archbishop Loullias, Coptic Archbishop Angaelos ... Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church ...
Over a hundred people gathered at St. Mary’s Church in Caledonia on the night of Sunday, March 9, to hear speaker Bart Schuchts kick off a three-night mission aimed at ...
St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Constableville will have a St. Patrick’s Day corned beef dinner on Monday, March 17 at the church located at 5905 James Street in Constableville. The meal ...
“We love the Arncliffe community.’’ Artist's impressions for Cornerstone College, a proposal by St Mark Coptic Orthodox Church at Arncliffe. He said the development was focused on future gen ...