With the purchase of a regular smash room package, such as “Anger Management,” or “Parental Leave,” every patron gets a free ...
A byelection is scheduled for April 14 to determine a new member of Parliament for Halifax, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau ...
The deaths are a reminder that police are rarely the appropriate people to respond to mental-health crises, and that ...
Halifax has a new transit boss for the first time in a decade and he's learning the system from the blue seats of a city bus.
If a general election is called before April 14, the byelection will be cancelled and its candidates would join the general election.
Monday morning marks the start of toll-free traffic on the bridges that cross the Halifax Harbour. During the provincial ...
The Halifax Waterfront is a fun-filled spot packed with cafes, restaurants, bars, breweries, shops, historic ships, boat tours and ferries, not to mention buskers and other street performers.
The best time to visit Halifax is May through October. Summer and fall experience pleasant weather and usher in numerous festivals. However, these months also attract lots of tourists, so be ...
Arcadis Canada Healthcare Market Sector lead and project director David Wood said: “Delivering a modern and sustainable healthcare facility inside an active hospital campus is a ...