Sebi had given three days to investors to withdraw their bids for the IPO. On the other hand, C2C Advanced Systems told National Stock Exchange (NSE) that it had already appointed an independent ...
Despite withdrawals, the IPO is commanding a grey market premium (GMP) of Rs 195 over Rs 226 level, the upper limit of the ...
According to market observers tracking the grey market premium activities, the shares of C2C Advanced Systems are commanding ...
C2C Advanced Systems IPO share allotment is expected to be finalised on Nov. 29. The allotment and listing were delayed after ...
C2C Advanced Systems IPO listing was postponed after SEBI asked the company to appoint an independent auditor and obtain a ...
After a solid demand for the public offer, investors are eyeing the allotment for C2C Advanced Systems IPO which is expected ...
Despite the withdrawal window being flooded by investors, the latest grey market premium (GMP) hints at a strong listing of ...
C2C Advanced Systems has postponed its share listing following directives from NSE and SEBI, which require the appointment of ...
Investors can review the status of their application online. The latest grey market premium (GMP) of the IPO signals a ...
C2C Advanced Systems provided investors across all categories the option to withdraw their bids after SEBI's action.
C2C Advanced Systems IPO allotment will be out today. The company planned to raise Rs 99 crore, but its listing was deferred ...