Forensic psychiatrist Danny Sullivan argued it formed a “template” Thijssen would deploy when he later menaced James, and ...
One item left behind by Paul Thijssen, who took his own life after killing water polo coach Lilie James, exposed the violence ...
Lilie James could not have known that Paul Thijssen would react with such violence to her decision to end their relationship.
After finding Lilie James' body in a school bathroom, cops began searching for the murder weapon. What they found on campus ...
The 24-year-old struck the water polo coach in the head with a hammer at least 25 times inside a bathroom at St Andrew's ...
The man who murdered Lilie James was meticulous, calculated and calm. This was not a momentary loss of control, he knew what ...
One item left behind by Paul Thijssen, who took his own life after killing water polo coach Lilie James, exposed the violence and lies that underwrote his relationships. Scattered among some of ...
Lilie James’ murder on the grounds of a prestigious Sydney school shocked the country. Now, the details of her final 24 hours ...
Paul Thijssen was 21 when he began a relationship with a woman three years his junior, who he’d known since she was in early high school. Outwardly, at first, it might have felt sweetly romantic ...