Germany is drawing up a list of public and private buildings that could be converted into bunkers if necessary, the country's Interior Ministry said on Wednesday. The list would include car parks, ...
Officials have failed to block a single pesticide under EU laws that were put in place 22 years ago to protect crashing insect populations, according to an independent review. For over two decades, ...
Last week parts of Europe received the first heavy snow of the season, with severe weather warnings in place for the UK, Ireland, and France. This was then promptly followed by the heavy rain and high ...
Des milliers d'étudiants et de lycéens se sont rassemblés sur la place de l'Université, dans le centre de Bucarest, pour ...
More than 900 artists and art workers (as of 2pm CET on 26 November) have signed an open letter urging Tate in London to end ...
Os bens que compramos e os serviços que utilizamos podem afetar a sobrevivência da floresta tropical? A UE pensa que sim e ...
¿Los bienes que compramos y los servicios que utilizamos pueden afectar a la supervivencia de las selvas tropicales? #EuDecoded ...
تخطط رئيسة المكسيك كلوديا شينباوم لإطلاق حملة تهدف إلى تغيير ثقافة الموسيقى السائدة، عبر الترويج لأنماط موسيقية أقل عنفًا ...
Неожиданная победа Калина Джорджеску в первом туре выборов президента Румынии вызвала протесты среди молодежи. Второй тур ...
Les biens que nous achetons et les services que nous utilisons peuvent-ils affecter la survie de la forêt tropicale ?
Le imprese a controllo straniero rappresentano il 15% dei posti di lavoro nell'Ue, con Lussemburgo, Polonia e Slovacchia che ...
Können die Waren, die wir kaufen, und die Services, die wir in Anspruch nehmen, das Überleben des Regenwaldes beeinflussen?