Title: Celebrating Thanksgiving as an Indigenous Person Last Thursday, Nov. 28, was Thanksgiving, a holiday where you spend ...
Hamline University Students for Justice (SFJ) members held a demonstration in front of Old Main on Nov. 14 in protest of the ...
It is no secret that we as young people are consuming less traditional news than ever before. Scroll through any social media platform, and you will see why. TikTok, Instagram and Youtube have become ...
For years, the Hamline Midway Coalition (HMC) has served as a pillar for the Hamline-Midway community, taking on projects that serve the greater good and improve life for those living in the area. On ...
Every Tuesday, the Hamline Undergraduate Student Congress (HUSC) gathers for their General Assembly (GA) meeting. These meetings allow student representatives, the Internal and External presidents and ...
Following a 1–3 loss against UW-Superior in a one game series, the Pipers opened up in conference play with a two game series against St. Mary’s. The opener took place in Winona and was all Hamline ...
Historically, elections on both a local and national level result in divisions among communities. In an attempt to bridge such gaps, Chaplain Kelly Figueroa-Ray and Interim President Kathleen Murray ...
Every Tuesday, the Hamline Undergraduate Student Congress (HUSC) gathers for their General Assembly (GA) meeting. These meetings allow student representatives, the Internal and External Presidents and ...
As we slowly approach the end of the Fall 2024 semester, finals week looms over us with endless hours of studying for exams or projects due. Many of us tend to hyperfocus on studying and put the ...
In an effort to offer insight on the results of the election, Hamline’s political science department hosted a post-election panel discussion to discuss the causes and future implications of ...