This paper explores civil resistance to critical mineral mining with regards to environmental standards and ecological impacts. It reveals that opposition to mineral extraction is a pervasive global ...
Resilience has, in the past four decades, been a term increasingly employed throughout a number of sciences: psychology and ecology, most prominently. Increasingly one finds it in political science, ...
has emerged around their relative efficacy. Some commentators see diversity as a continued source of strength, positioning foundations to address the complexity, contingency and negotiated nature of ...
We find that the majority of informal sector operators in this context pay a range of taxes and fees, which together amount to a significant burden, especially for low earners.
Each year, nearly 200 countries participate in the UN Climate Conference (COP) to discuss the impact of climate change and ...
This report synthesises learning from these audits and is part of a larger project that focuses on understanding the links between sexuality, gender plurality and poverty with the aim of improving ...
Moyo, B (2011) 'Transformative Innovations in African Philanthropy' The Bellagio Initiative, Brighton: IDS ...
The ‘modernist’ project that has come to dominate food and agricultural policy has failed to provide sustainable outcomes for many poor people in developing countries. Conventional agricultural ...
This background paper focuses on the potential role that international science and technology ‘foresight-type’ activities might play in informing decision-making processes about innovation, ...
On 8th October, an unexpected cabinet announcement laid out plans for a completely new tenure regime in the land reform areas. This was to provide a secure form of tenure arrangement; not necessarily ...
In the public sector, Spain has made big efforts not to lag behind digital leaders in terms of public e-readiness and e-government, but the country’s economic and political frameworks have dragged it ...
This paper investigates the rise of a policy community in China’s renewable energy sectors. After a decade of spectacular expansion of wind and solar energy industries, a PC that comprises both ...