Charlie Simpson follows in the footsteps of Gary Barlow, Brian McFadden, Marti Pellow and Justin Hayward as he joins Jeff ...
North Notts BID has announced the launch of its new interactive learning solution for local businesses in partnership with ...
Gauth: AI Study Companion is Apple’s top free education app for iPhones in Great Britain - and is in 11th place for iPads. It ...
Police were concerned for Shylah’s safety after she was reported missing from the Worksop area at around 2pm on Saturday, ...
A number of popular attractions in and around Worksop have been shortlisted for a prestigious Nottinghamshire Tourism Award.
Severn Trent is urging customers to help SLEIGH potential fatbergs this Christmas – by avoiding putting fats, oils and ...
Usually, you don’t need to have paid the licence fee to watch shows and movies on Amazon Prime. However if you want to watch ...
Apple has updated its photo app and users are not happy. The changes have been rolled out to iPhone and iPad owners over ...
Last week, Parliament took a historic step towards legalising assisted dying in England and Wales. I voted for the Bill and ...