How many birds can you name? Many people can name only a few — even people who have bird feeders. Today’s technology, however ...
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers controls lake levels, and the agency has been making discharges to both coasts for months in an effort to lower levels for the health of the lake.
A coalition of nonprofit and government agencies have found ways to protect and increase the American oystercatcher ...
Species of birds are threatened throughout the United States, as documented in the latest edition of the State of the Birds ...
But as a warming climate shortens Maine's winters, bird species once rarely seen during the colder months now hang around for ...
The plea from Audubon N.C. follows a study last year that estimated more than 1 billion birds are killed in collisions with ...
Mid-winter "false springs" — warm, spring-like days — also threaten insect populations as they can trick insects into emerging from hibernation or hatching early. When freezing temperatures return, ...
Raleigh dims city lights to protect migrating birds and reduce light pollution as part of its Community Climate Action Plan.
Residents can learn more about bluebirds when a talk is held at the Bermuda Underwater Exploration Institute tomorrow. Janice Hetzel, the Bermuda Audubon Society president, will lead The wonderful ...
State of the Birds Report highlights the urgent need for conservation as North American bird populations continue to fall.
Nearly 300 children, parents, birders, naturalists and volunteers alighted at Tropical Audubon Society’s 2.2-acre wooded campus on Saturday, Feb. 15, for an engaging afternoon of music, games, ...
Recent sightings (through March 11) as reported to Mass Audubon. Early ospreys were reported from Orleans, Harwich, and Falmouth. A black-headed gull continued in Eastham, most recently from First ...