I spent four months testing the most popular hydroponic indoor gardens on the market, and these three are the best.
Blending biophilic beauty with functional living has long been a design hallmark. But beyond a well-placed fiddle-leaf fig or ...
A potting bench is among the best options for avoiding bending and twisting your back while performing your gardening tasks.
In the past, there were just a few mail-order catalogs from which to order the more unusual perennials.It is now possible to obtain them locally at many ...
As spring approaches at jet speed and you start thinking about planting mixed containers (but perhaps with a little fear of ...
"Never pay full price." Gardener reveals genius method for arranging potted plants on a budget: 'Been doing this for 25 years ...
Egg cartons cluttering up your recycling bin? Take advantage of their biodegradable nature and turn them into the cutest little DIY flowerpots imaginable.
The current houseplant boom has everyone buying plants. As the houseplant industry has grown, the decorative planters ...