Where Art Begins” features more than 60 black and white photographs and quotes of prominent artists in their studios or homes ...
Nicole Kidman shines as a desperate housewife in 'Holland,' a stylish but hollow psychological thriller from 'Fresh' director ...
I came to Your House for the art, the Daniel Clowes and Jaime Hernandez inspired illustrations, the kitsch 1960s comic art ...
Last summer, our author's Akron, Ohio home received a one-of-a-kind installation that personalized the kitchen renovation.
Is it really a monster? Or a snake, or a gecko? This home is a living art project designed by the artistic family that lives ...
While mostly symbolic, the move to revoke security clearances for over a dozen former officials has been seen as a warning to ...
The event from 7:30 to 11 p.m. on Friday and Saturday is free. The festival is a collaboration between PolyOne, an arts and ...