The millipede family Siphonorhinidae, of which the new species is an ancient ancestor, still lives today and includes four ...
During their surveys, the team found several unfamiliar-looking brown eels, the study said. They took a closer look at the ...
Every year, the aquatic animals die off when the swamp dries up, leaving their eggs behind to hatch when the rains return.
Researchers said they named the new species “cuulongensis” after the Vietnamese name “cửu long,” which means “nine dragons” ...
Peronia watts is now one of four species that call northern Australia home, with an additional two Peronia species native to ...
Deep below the surface of the ocean in the South China Sea, a robot named “discovery” searched the seafloor for life. Faxian, ...
“The collection was not specifically planned and was actually coincidental,” scientist Dirk Bellstedt told McClatchy News ... discovered as new species in Colombia → 'Large' creature with ...
→ 6-foot-long sea creature — with 'sharp' snout — discovered as new species in Colombia → 'Large' creature ... Aspen Pflughoeft covers real-time news for McClatchy. She is a graduate ...
→ 6-foot-long sea creature — with 'sharp' snout — discovered as new species in Colombia → 'Large' creature ... shared with McClatchy News. “Osmeriformes are a diverse group of fish ...