A parasitic wasp that flew among dinosaurs had a Venus flytrap-like contraption on its abdomen that likely allowed it to ...
This weird wasp shared the Earth with the dinosaurs nearly 100 million years ago. Paleontologist studying specimens of the ...
The recently discovered Sirenobethylus charybdis has features not seen in any known insect living today, researchers say.
An ancient wasp may have zipped among the dinosaurs, with a body like a Venus flytrap to seize and snatch its prey, ...
Scientists have discovered a bizarre 99-million-year-old wasp preserved in amber, featuring an abdomen shaped like a Venus ...
Sirenobethylus charybdis lived nearly 99 million years ago and used its unique abdominal apparatus to trap prey during ...
An ancient wasp may have zipped among the dinosaurs, with a body like a Venus flytrap to seize and snatch its prey, ...