The most recent risk assessment, outlined in maps published by the California Geological Survey, illustrate the devastation possible from extreme-but-realistic scenarios.
Several urban search and rescue teams were deployed in parts of Vermont on Sunday night to prepare for minor flooding in ...
At 3:01 p.m. on Monday, the NWS Raleigh NC released a flood warning valid from Tuesday 2 a.m. until Wednesday 2 a.m. The ...
A warm weekend coupled with rainfall late Sunday may lead to flooding today along some area rivers. The National Weather ...
It's Flood Awareness Week, and the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) is reminding people of a tool ...
The latest grants from $4.2 billion green bond could target flood mitigation projects for Ausable, Boquet rivers.
generally uses flood hazard maps derived from a modelled event such as a 1:100-year flood to determine the risk profile.” Authorities have cautioned against using the map as the sole basis for ...
The owners of hundreds of high-risk dams across the state either don ... Dam failures can be caused by flooding, erosion, shoddy construction and maintenance as well as age.
"The insurance industry, in contrast, generally use flood hazard maps derived from a modelled event such as 1:100 year flood to determine the risk profile." The council warned against relying on the ...
SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) -- CAL FIRE is overhauling its wildfire risk maps for cities across the Bay Area. The new fire lines will mean major changes for homeowners. It's the first time in more than a ...
MALHEUR COUNTY-- As the Malheur River spills its banks due to rain and warm weather causing early runoff, officials are making plans to deal with the situation. There are no evacuations taking ...
By 2050, homes in Los Angeles, San Diego, and San Francisco will have a higher flood risk than wildfire risk. Many homeowners in the area may have to take up increasingly costly flood insurance to ...