A new study finds synthetic hair, commonly used for protective styles, is reportedly costing consumers their livelihood and health.
Black women’s metaphorical pledge of allegiance to braids dates back thousands of years. In the 60s, advancements in polymer ...
While the film production was underway, the opera itself was having its own theatrical run with soprano Ambur Braid playing ...
Discover the top hair trends this summer, including Hollywood glam, beachy waves, and the French bob. Get expert tips for healthy, stylish hair all season long.
A new Consumer Reports study found carcinogens in 10 of the most popular synthetic hair product brands that are used commonly ...
I’ve been growing my hair out, and it’s finally long enough to do something with. Read this as “I wear my hair in a ponytail ...
The rain pounded the cement just outside of the hair salon’s open door. This type of weather is not good for new hairstyles; ...