What is the listing price for 160 Lake Albert Road, Kooringal? PRDnationwide Wagga Wagga has not listed a sale price for 160 Lake Albert Road, Kooringal. Contact the agent for a price guide.
Police are appealing for public assistance to locate a man missing from Wagga Wagga.Luke Ingram, aged 32, was last seen about 5pm on Saturday 15th ...
To enquire about specific property features for 504 Kooringal Road, Lake Albert, contact the agent. What is the size of the property at 504 Kooringal Road, Lake Albert? The external land size for ...
The first Destination Management Plan for Wagga Wagga which identifies strategies to grow the visitor economy and position ...
A four-bedroom house in Indented Head was the most expensive sale reported in country Victoria and the Riverina last week.
Raleigh City Council on Tuesday approved a $21.8 million contract that will improve Lake Wheeler Road and make it a "Complete Street." The "Complete Street" concept would take a road that has no ...
The property at 254 The Esplanade sold for $2.1 million by private sale. A total of eight properties were sold via auction last week. Realestate.com.au data division Proptrack has reported 465 ...
MUSKEGON COUNTY, MI -- Lake Michigan beach access is back open at Hoffmaster State Park as construction moves to a new section of the park. The beach road is open to the auxiliary parking lot ...
Officers responded to the collision on Friday around 4:35 p.m. Police said the motorcycle was traveling westbound on Lake Road at a high rate of speed when it struck a vehicle. The car was ...