It comes after Sheen recently bought £1 million of debt belonging to hundreds of people in South Wales for Channel 4’s Secret Million Pound Giveaway.
Hollywood has been in awe of the President of the United States for a long time, projecting the leader of the free world onto ...
Michaël Borremans shares talked to us about his career, coinciding with "A Confrontation at the Zoo" at Museum Voorlinden in ...
Michael Sheen has played many iconic roles — from villainous vampires like Aro in the Twilight franchise to angels like ...
The documentary "Michael Sheen's Secret Million Pound Giveaway" sees the Welsh actor pay off the debt of 900 strangers. He ...
Kilic said the family was interested in the idea of having a portrait of Kollar, who was Hungarian and had been cremated in ...
Actor Michael Sheen is putting his money where his mouth is and paying off the £1 million of debt of people who could use some help. Sheen started a debt acquisition company to help people in ...
The actor forked out of his own pocket to aid others, and according to The BBC, it has all been documented in new Channel 4 show called Michael Sheen's Secret Million Pound Giveaway, due to air ...
Hollywood actor Michael Sheen has written off £1m-worth of people's debts, using £100,000 of his own money. Sheen started a debt acquisition company to help 900 people in South Wales.
In an exclusive new interview, actor Michael Sheen has talked with Big Issue about his new documentary. Michael Sheen’s One Million Pound Giveaway, which airs on Channel 4 on Monday 10 March, sees the ...
Hollywood star Michael Sheen has cleared debts of 900 people worth a total of £1m. The actor used £100,000 of his money to start debt acquisition company to help the people living in South Wales. Four ...