Savage said he may have over planned in the past, so he decided to wing it this year, and had his most pleasurable tour yet.
Nova Launcher is one such app that lets you get a near-stock look. But it also has a feature set that could shame the most robust stock launchers. As the name suggests, Nova Launcher is a third ...
The husband and wife leadership team of a small town Nova Scotia volunteer fire department ... by the fire truck sent to help him after a snowmobile accident. The municipality acted last week ...
Two snowmobilers were caught in the slab avalanche, which buried and killed one of them. Photo by Nicolas Cool via Unsplash An avalanche triggered by snowmobilers swept away two people ...
Collingwood and District Fire Chief Jerrold Cotton was driving the rig that struck the snowmobiler as he was being assisted by civilians. A Nova Scotia fire chief and deputy chief have been banned ...
MOUNT ST. HELENS, Wash. (KATU) — Snowmobilers, including one with a serious leg injury, were rescued following an avalanche on Mount St. Helens on Feb. 17. The incident occurred when three ...
Avalanche Canada says the group of three snowmobilers were riding in an area below Thunderwater Lake in the Forster Creek drainage. One rider triggered an avalanche on a steep, rocky, northeast ...
Before the fatal slide, a group of three snowmobilers, including the victim, were riding in a zone below Thunderwater Lake in the Forster Creek drainage, Avalanche Canada stated in an incident summary ...
It happened on Gravel Mountain on Saturday and was believed to have been triggered by a snowmobile, KUSA reported. Video captured several snowmobiles in the area as the avalanche started.