The harlequin gecko does many things that seem high risk. It stays stock still whenever it’s cold. It lives in extreme slow motion. Somehow, it’s managed to survive on predator-ridden Rakiura/Stewart ...
How could our food systems look different? Are there other ways to get produce from fields to kitchens? And even if those methods are less efficient, what do we stand to gain in the process? These are ...
Let’s start with the name. The “ch” is silent, which makes “chthonic” a lot easier to say. It’s ancient Greek for “things that have to do with the underworld”, as in the afterlife, but Wellington ...
Wairūrū Marae is across the road from the beach, so if anyone looks out of the windows of the hall, they’ll see Waiau Bay sparkling through the waharoa, the gateway, and the forest-covered hills ...
Royal spoonbills are thriving in New Zealand, with birdwatchers spotting their extravagant head feathers in more and more estuaries and lagoons. The population is now growing at a rate of 10 per cent ...
When schools opened in the summer of 1924, thousands of tweens around New Zealand were faced with an exotic and potentially life-defining new hurdle. The Education Department, caught up in the ...
All his life, Jay Kuethe has been a collector. When he was growing up in 1990s Britain, his immigrant Dutch parents gave him an old-fashioned, outdoor childhood. From the age of around five, he grew ...
Male and female dusky pipefish look exactly the same in all but one aspect—males have a pouch for incubating eggs when they ...
For all their showiness, tree ferns are extraordinary survivors. They hold their secrets close—but now, scientists are ...
Three pot plants, a barbecue and four bikes—we load up Toyota’s fully electric car for a classic southern summer roadie.
In November 2024, on the wind-whipped shores of Ōtūwharekai, the Ashburton Lakes, retired farmer John Evans was checking his ...