MSNBC's "The Weekend" Premiers! Your thoughts? - the Data …
Jan 26, 2024 · Steele was fired up at the end of the show addressing Shady Vance's suggestion about 'childcare' and that grandparents should step in and help. And I mean 'fired up' - he just can't stomach the stupidity of Vance. Sanders and Alicia also chimed in - …
Jennifer Lopez - what is wrong with her? - the Data Lounge
Dec 2, 2022 · There is nothing wrong with her OP. You seem strange or maybe just ancient. She is the end goal of feminism. Would a serial marrier who was male be deemed “weird”. JLo is the new age Liz Taylor, just more vulgar and sexier.
This Is Your Life Dinah Shore - the Data Lounge
May 22, 2021 · Hello. Some features on this site require a subscription. Please click here to get full access and no ads for $1.99 or less per month.
Kate Beckinsale, self-demoted to D-List status? - the Data Lounge
Sep 30, 2023 · Kate Beckinsale paired a teeny tiny bodysuit with an enormous wide-brim hat and flowing gold veil to a charity event in Los Angeles Thursday.
Fellow Travelers will premiere October 27 - the Data Lounge
Aug 17, 2023 · The failure of peak television of which Fellow Travelers comes at the very tail end, is that no one recognizes what needs to be a movie anymore. They all want 8 episode Limited Series and as a result you have 2 hour stories pushed out …
Sneakily conservative filmmakers? - the Data Lounge
May 4, 2022 · His works remind me of JD Salinger, Jane Austen and F. Scott Fitzgerald. He just makes movies about his social class and but seemed quite critical of it. He doesn't seem to even imply that WASPs dying out is a negative thing. Just how things naturally end up when you had a class that was snobbish, isolationist and couldn't adapt to the times.
American Beauty (1999) - the Data Lounge
Nov 24, 2024 · I remember watching the movie and noting a couple of years later that every high end TV show seemed to have the same type of score in the background. For instance, Desperate Housewives' score sounded very similar to it (on top of showcasing a similar suburban life and lives around 40).
Kim Goldman is in Love with OJ Simpson - the Data Lounge
Aug 17, 2022 · Strangers would tell me how their families would erupt in nasty debates at holiday dinners over the merits of the case, and friends would end relationships because they couldn’t agree on guilt. Hell, I stopped dating someone because he told me that if he was ever offered a spot in a foursome of golf with Simpson, he’d go.
Datalounge Thanksgiving Lonely Hearts
Nov 4, 2023 · One slice will be for breakfast because I tend to smoke weed when alone on Thanksgiving morning and then I end up committing crimes on an empty stomach. Mostly looking forward to reading about family visit horrors and triumphant moments of single people surviving (and maybe even enjoying) Thanksgiving here on the Datalounge.
Actresses you think fucked Harvey Weinstein for roles - the Data …
Jan 31, 2022 · In the end, the woke clout chasing did all industry abuse victims a disservice, because it obscured the high level root of the issue: the industry itself is a money laundering, criminal racket for VIPs & foreign "investors". Harvey became a convenient synecdoche that allowed the real evil to run for the yachts and get the fuck out of Dodge.